Tuesday, June 2, 2009

A Student's Guide to Startups

A Student's Guide to Startups: "The advantages of rootlessness are similar to those of poverty. When you're young you're more mobile—not just because you don't have a house or much stuff, but also because you're less likely to have serious relationships. This turns out to be important, because a lot of startups involve someone moving."

Be Relentlessly Resourceful

Be Relentlessly Resourceful: "This test is also useful to individuals. If you want to know whether you're the right sort of person to start a startup, ask yourself whether you're relentlessly resourceful. And if you want to know whether to recruit someone as a cofounder, ask if they are."


Essays: "Essays

A Local Revolution?pad
The Founder Visapad
Five Founderspad
Be Relentlessly Resourcefulpad
How to Be an Angel Investorpad
Why TV Lostpad
Can You Buy a Silicon Valley? Maybe.pad
What I've Learned from Hacker Newspad
Startups in 13 Sentencespad
Keep Your Identity Small pad
After Credentialspad
Could VC be a Casualty of the Recession?pad
The High-Res Societypad
The Other Half of 'Artists Ship' pad
Why to Start a Startup in a Bad Economypad
A Fundraising Survival Guidepad
The Pooled-Risk Company Management Companypad
Cities and Ambitionpad
Disconnecting Distractionpad"

Hiring is Obsolete

Hiring is Obsolete: "The three big powers on the Internet now are Yahoo, Google, and Microsoft. Average age of their founders: 24. So it is pretty well established now that grad students can start successful companies. And if grad students can do it, why not undergrads?

Like everything else in technology, the cost of starting a startup has decreased dramatically. Now it's so low that it has disappeared into the noise. The main cost of starting a Web-based startup is food and rent. Which means it doesn't cost much more to start a company than to be a total slacker. You can probably start a startup on ten thousand dollars of seed funding, if you're prepared to live on ramen."

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Startup School 08 | Omnisio

Startup School 08 | Omnisio: "Startup School 08

Startup school is an annual free conference for hackers interested in startups. This year notable speakers included Mike Arrington, Marc Andreessen, Jeff Bezos and Paul Graham.

The official website is http://startupschool.org/"

Monday, May 25, 2009

What the data miners are digging up about you - tech - 28 November 2008 - New Scientist

What the data miners are digging up about you - tech - 28 November 2008 - New Scientist: "n today's technological world we leave electronic traces wherever we go, whether shopping online or on the high street, at work or at play. That data is the raw material for a new industry of number crunchers trying to explain and influence human behaviour, as Stephen Baker explains in his new book The Numerati."

Sunday, May 17, 2009

The LinkedIn Blog » Blog Archive Ten Ways to Use LinkedIn | Guy Kawasaki «

The LinkedIn Blog » Blog Archive Ten Ways to Use LinkedIn | Guy Kawasaki «: "When Guy Kawasaki blogged about the Ten Ways to Use LinkedIn, LinkedIn had 8.5 million users in 130 industries. Since then we’ve grown to over 12 million users covering 147 industries, but many of Guy’s suggestions on using LinkedIn (see below), still remain a great way for professionals to strengthen their online brand reputation and leverage their professional network. Happy Reading!"