Monday, September 29, 2008

Sunday, September 21, 2008


For those who do not really understand what is BEST...

Thursday, September 18, 2008

I want that!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

I have choosen PHP 4 years ago and you?

"Bray, who is Director of Web Technologies at Sun Microsystems, co-creator of the XML 1.0 and XML Namespace standards, co-founder of Open-Text, and contributor to the Atom Publishing standard (whew!) spoke in a presentation entitled “How to combine PHP technology with Java based on Enterprise Systems”

Read more here

All to the blonde?

"Suppose you are one of a number of boys hanging out at the school coffee bar. At the other side of the bar there is a group of beautiful girls, all but one of them brunette. The only blonde girl in the group is the one all the boys would first approach. Should you disregard what the other boys would do and try to talk to the blonde first? What if everyone goes for the blonde? If you are not sure about what to do, mathematics can show you the best way to proceed. This is what this note is about."

Read the rest, here.

My personal opinion is that is quite more complex than this and there are countless variables on this game. Come to play it someday...

Minority Report?

"TouchKit is a modular multitouch development kit with the aim to make multitouch readily available in an open source fashion. It is a sister project of the CUBIT multitouch system and aimed at rapid implementation of multitouch projects."

Size of a Dimme!

After reading the following article taken from here:

"Taipei (Taiwan) – In very simple terms, all chip manufacturers have the same business goal: To sell more chips every year. If your core market limits your growth, you will have to look for new markets. Intel has recently done this with its Atom processor, which targets low-cost computing devices and handheld computers. Nvidia’s Tegra hits expands barriers of market segments and puts the company within reach of a new market that currently has a demand of more than 1 billion processors per year. It could be a game-changing move for Nvidia - not just in terms of growth opportunity."

We can predict the mobile industry will twisty very soon...

Lazy of Efficient?

This expcert from Realm of Zod:

"On a non-technical note, I thought I’d meander a bit about my programming philosiphy. In my opinion, there are different kinds of developers. There are those that have fallen into the trade through fate and must program to eat. Generally, those kinds of developers latch on to one environment and/or platform and ride it until it is no longer popular. These developers tend to always have a reference manual handy and probably copy and paste alot of their code. There are other developers who are tinkerers, they experiment with various languages for fun not really accomplishing anything other than the pursuit of knowledge (I started here). These developers are not an expert in anything but have general knowledge about everything. These are gross generalizations but the point i’m making is that there is another class of programmer which isn’t talked about much.

There is also what I call the lazy programmer. This doesn’t mean what the words imply, as I do not mean to say that a person is lazy at programming, more accurately I mean to say that a lazy person is a programmer. Huh? Well I’m going somewhere with this so bear with me. I recently started using a quote by Linus Torvalds as my email signature, he states: Intelligence is the ability to avoid doing work, yet getting the work done. This is the concept which I am elaborating on, which is that there is laziness and then there is intelligence but when you mix the two, magic happens. I believe that laziness is the key to innovation. People invent things to make life simpler, in other words they create machinations to do stuff so that they don’t have to do it themselves. So I guess you could say this paradigm goes beyond programming but in all areas of development.

I read another quote somewhere (I cannot remember where), that states simply that a programmer will spend hours developing a program that will accomplish what they could’ve done themselves in a matter of minutes. True, I’ve been guilty of this many times and I often become afflicted with the condition known as over-engineering. My pack-rat mentality forces me to adjust my routines and habits into accounting for the possibility I may have to repeat a task sometime in the future or reuse an item. If I have to accomplish a task in a program, rather than hard coding an algorithm to get the job done, my approach is to write a reusable component that is more or less a blackbox that takes parameters. I’ve created an algorithm that’s capable of getting my task done rather than just doing the task. Now that i’ve spent an hour developing a component to my job, I can write two lines of code and actually do the task. Problem solved."

Made a bit of buzz...

Hug a Developer Today

This teaser will only make sense if you already developed something from someone.

And this lecturer will make even more sense if you done it many times or manage who does it.

Sister look deeper...

This is what we should expect in lets say: 2/3 years?

Aurora (Part 1) from Adaptive Path on Vimeo.

Yes sister, Google is on your way!

Some days ago while commuting on my daily train I wrote this article, where I stress that the future will be all the applications residing on a server and being accessed by a thin-thin client: a browser.

Some days later my friend F. gives me the news I was wainting since Google bought a domain for its upcoming browser (some 2 years ago).

Enjoy the revolution "fatties".